Vegetable gardens

Vegetable gardens are increasingly popular. There is something so fulfilling and rewarding from growing your own fruit and vegetables, and with increasing shop prices, cheaper too.

Did you know you can grow vegetables all year round? There is always something growing and ready to be harvested. Lettuce can be grown nearly all year round.

Growing food, where you know where is comes from, that is truly organic, that tastes incredible so much better than that from the supermarket.

Even if you only have a small garden, you can still grow vegetables in tubs, planters, hanging baskets or integrating into your flower borders. We have created innovative planting solutions to try and make growing vegetables accessible to all.

Be prepared for a glut and to get creative in the in the kitchen, how many dishes do you know for butternut squash?  The squash in the wheel barrow were from 6 plants!

Get the whole family involved, teach children where food comes from and enjoy the fruits of your labour.

We can help with what to grow when, crop rotation, varieties, raised beds, poly tunnels, irrigation systems and growing structures.

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